Saturday, October 25, 2014

The Lost Hero blog post #6

        I decided to revisit an old favorite of mine, Rick Riordan's The Lost Hero. At this point in the book, I have met four main characters; Coach Hedge Jason Grace, Leo Valdez and Piper McLean. The first chapter starts off with it saying how Jason wakes up on a bus and that he couldn't remember anything in his life, his name, his age or even where he comes from. Piper and Leo explain to him how Piper is his girlfriend and that Leo was his best friend. Of course Jason denies remembering any of this. The reason that they were on a bus is because they were on a field trip to the Grand Canyon.

        When they get to the Grand Canyon, they discover the true identity of the local bully, Drew. They discover that Drew is a rogue and evil wind spirit that is out to destroy Jason, Piper and Leo, who turn out to be Half-Bloods(half human and half god). Oh, and remember Coach Hedge? Well guess what? He isn't human at all, it turns out that he is a satyr(half man, half goat) that was assigned to the three demigods long ago, to protect them. Jason and the wind spirit have an epic fight where Jason discovers, in his pocket, a magical golden coin, that when flipped, transforms into either a lance or a sword, depending on the side that the coin lands on. After the wind spirit was defeated, the demigods discover that their coach/protector was captured during the battle.

         While they are recovering from their shock, a flying chariot comes out of no where and lands right in front of them(not helping their recovery) and a young woman named Annabeth steps out and claims that she is searching for her missing boyfriend. She also explains how the oracle of her home had told her to go there and look for the person with a shoe missing, and low and behold, when Jason looks down, he realizes that on of his shoes has been blasted off.

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