Saturday, October 18, 2014

Mysterious Benedict Society blog post # 5 (final)

           I have finished the book, after the boys endure the Whisperer, they discover that it was nothing like the other henchmen had described, it was wave after wave of pleasure, and it wasn't long until they boys were hooked onto the sensation. They began to crave their evening session with Mr. Curtain and the Whisperer. It wasn't long until the girls, Kate and Constance, noticed that the boys were acting strange. They didn't know what to do since the boys were the smart ones that always knew what to do, but eventually they came up with a plan.

           The girls decided to talk with the boys that night, they set up a meeting in the boys room, but when the girls got there, they discovered an empty room, the boys had decided to go to their evening session instead of meeting with them. The girls contacted Mr. Benedict, The Pencil Woman and Rhonda. Mr. Benedict explained to them how the addiction was going to wear off in a couple of days and it was going to become the horrors of their lives instead of the pleasures. As Mr. Benedict had predicted, the pleasures turned into horrors and the boys, soon after, snapped out of their addiction.
          Thanks to their daily trips, the boys now knew how to destroy the Whisperer. They were going to use an electromagnetic pulse to short out the Whisperer and to make sure that Mr. Curtain could never use it again. When the day of the plan came, they children went to set up the EMP, and as they turned the corner, they saw Mr. Curtain, with a dozen henchmen, waiting for them...

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