Friday, December 12, 2014

Einstein blog post #13

Albert Einstein is nearing the end of his life and at this point he has proved his theory of relativity, E=mc(2) and that you don't need to have socks on every morning to be incredibly smart. The reason that I bring up the socks is that Einstein almost always forgot to put on his socks in the morning. Many of the local kids would ask him why he didn't have socks on and he would respond by looking down at his bare feet and saying that he hadn't even noticed that he didn't have any socks on. The true reason is that he had so much stuff going on in his head that there was no room for socks or regular every day things.

Unfortunately, not all of Einstein's big discoveries went down in history as good things for example, the atom bomb originated from one of Einstein's ideas, but he never meant for them to be used as a weapon of destruction. Einstein was appalled when he learned that one of his works was being used to kill hundreds of thousands of people. Einstein, nearing the end of his scientific carrier and life, began to observe the stars as a way to pass time with friends, he liked looking at the constellations and at some times making a few of his own.

Albert Einstein, the greatest physicist of all time, died on April 18, 1955. He had internal bleeding and in the week he was preparing a big speech, he died peacefully in his sleep. His brain was salvaged and was studied, but the rest of his remains were cremated and his ashes were scattered. During the study of his brain, scientists found that he used up to 15% more of his brain than an average human. His IQ was estimated to be between 160 and 190, but since it was never determined, it stayed at 160. Although he is dead, the legacy of Albert Einstein will continue.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Einstein blog post #12

I have come all the way to where Albert Einstein is now an adult and he is beginning to develop his theory of relativity. it is quite fascinating how a boy that was said to have some sort of early developmental issue, could turn out to be one of the most respected and important scientists known to man kind. Einstein ahs also created many quotes by now including, " I don't know what WW3 will be fought with, but I know that WW4 will be fought with sticks and stones." I think that this quote is very accurate because at the rate that we are creating deadlier and deadlier weapons, by the fourth world war, we'll all probably be dead.

Albert finally found a woman that he likes, her same was Elsa, they got married, but eventually got a divorce, and when Albert Einstein got a divorce, he promised her that he would give her all of his nobel prize money if he won it. This of course did nothing to help and change Elsa's mind of leaving him, but I guess it made Albert sleep better at night. She, of course never got back together with Albert but she did send him gratitude after what Albert Einstein did next.

In 1922, Einstein won the Nobel prize in physics and just as he had promised, he gave all of the money that he won to his wife Elsa, she was surprised when she received the money because she thought that Einstein was going to bail on his promise and just keep all the money for himself. This gesture of kindness made Elsa Einstein begin to regret his decision of ever leaving behind the genius that is Albert Einstein.

Einstein blog post #11

After Albert's sister was born Albert's literary skills and scholarly skills in general decreased drastically, he became quiet once again and his parents became very angry since they had spent much of their money trying to educate Albert. They sent him to a military school which was the worst punishment you could have given him. He absolutely detested the thought of war or anything to do with war, he wanted peace. He protested against the marching and all of the things that he had to do, but refusing to do something when commanded to do so, meant punishment. So unfortunately, Albert was forced to march and look like a good little soldier or get severely punished.

 After a year of military school, Albert begged his parents to get him out of military school and it was his mother that sided with Albert this time. They got Albert out of the military school and back into his studies, happy to be back in the area that he liked, Albert's grades shot through the roof. He was finally allowed to go to a public school and he amazed his fellow students along with his teachers. His analytical skills were the best that most of the teachers had ever seen.

Albert's parents started inviting a college student for dinner most nights of the week. Albert took full advantage of this and he began to ask the college student all of the questions he had, which was quite a lot of questions. By the time that the college student had to go away, there was nothing the he knew that Albert didn't. At this point of his life he started helping his father at his store and he would play around with the little gizmos that he would find around his father's shop. He would ask his father questions that his father had no idea how to answer, Albert and his father began building a strong relationship.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Einstein Blog post #10

For my third and final book I decided to read a bibliography on Albert Einstein. So far, I have read that he was born in Germany and as a child, he was always very quiet and he never talked. His parents were very worried because they thought that he had developmental issues, which back then was a big deal. The doctors kept telling Albert's parents that he probably had some type of mental illness like down syndrome or another type of mental disease, it was Albert's father that knew it wasn't a mental disease. He enrolled Albert in some private classes since he wasn't allowed to go to school if he couldn't talk, what happened during the classes was breathtaking.

Albert showed immense progress in all of the school subjects that the private tutor showed him, even though he hadn't seen those things in his life. Even though he was an extraordinary student and extremely gifted in everything, he had a tendency to be very impatient and was known for his temper, at the age of six, he threw a vase at his music teacher, she never came back. Albert's parents tried to show him manners and the proper way to do things, but common sense wasn't in the boy's vast knowledge, which became a problem later on in life and was then corrected when he met his wife.

Then came Albert's sister, at first, Albert though that it was just another toy for him to play with and was disappointed when he looked into the cradle and saw no wheels, just two baby blue eyes staring back at him. Yet, Albert grew to love his little sister, he played with her and tried to show her some of the things that he was learning, which at the time was four grade levels above him. Albert didn't care that his sister wasn't as smart as him, he loved her either way.

Friday, November 7, 2014

The Lost Hero blog post #9 (final)

I finished the book, and I gotta say, the ending was spectacular. After the demigods went to see Aeolus, they met up with Jason's sister who had apparently not seen Jason in many years. Jason never knew that he had a sister but was very exited and happy when he heard that he had a sister. With the help of the group that Jason's sister was in, they were able to find the location of the Wolf House and they went on their way.

When they got in the proximity of the Wolf House, the evil snow goddess, Kione, froze their helicopter and they, once again, had to crash land. When they got off of the helicopter, they were confronted by the earth ogres created by Gaea herself. Along with many other monsters including more evil wind spirits and, you might have guessed it, wolves. They defeated all the monsters and Leo defeated Kione, while exposing his secret, he had the power to control fire.

They manage to free Hera from the bonds of Gaea, but not before Gaea had the power she needed to resurrect her dead giant son, Porphyrion. Jason discovered his true identity, as a warrior of the Roman Legion. This came as a huge shock to the rest of them because Romans and Greeks had been enemies for the last three decades. Hera explains to them how this is all part of her master plan to reunite the Romans and  the Greeks, because there was a greater evil coming, and only together would they have the power to defeat it.

The Lost Hero blog post #8

During this part of the book, the three demigods, Jason, Piper and Leo have encountered many monsters and have defeated them, including; the evil sorceress Medea, who trapped them in her mall, and almost made Jason and Leo kill each other under Medea's evil spell. They were also attacked by a mother Cyclops and her two sons, that apparently really love salsa. After defeating the Cyclopes, they saw that the monsters that they defeated regenerated much faster than they had been regenerating a couple of days ago. This confirmed their worst fear, the monsters were somehow not staying dead in the underworld and were coming back to the real world in a shorter period of time.

 They met the evil king Midas who turns anything he touches into gold, leaving with a finally awake Coach Hedge, who they had rescued in Medea's mall, and a goldified Piper who they took to the river to ungoldify because even though the curse of King Midas is said to be permanent, if you pour water on it, or just let it rain on what was goldified, it will go back to being a normal everyday object or whatever it had been.

 When I left off, the demigods were going to meet Aeolus, the master of the winds, who knew everything, including the location of the Wolf House. Where they would meet the evil snow goddess Khione and where they would find Hera, the queen of the gods. Unfortunately, Aeolus was part of the group of gods that turned on the rest and sided with Gaea so their whole plan of getting his help went south very quickly.

Friday, October 31, 2014

The Lost Hero blog post #7

    Jason, Piper and Leo  have met the daughter of the goddess of wisdom, Annabeth, and have been taken to the camp for kids like them, and thanks to another attack from the wind spirits, it turned out to have to be crash landing into their new home. After they crashed into the camp's river, Leo discovered a floating, fiery hammer floating above his head. He soon discovered that it was the sign of his father, the Greek god of machines and fire, Hephaestus.

    Each of the three protagonists were taken on a tour of the camp, each from a different person; Leo by his Hephaestus cabin mates, Piper by Annabeth and Jason by many other people. Each one of them begin to understand the situation that they were in, especially Leo. He learns that his cabin, and his half brothers, have been plagued by a supposed "curse" which begins to worry him. Not only that, but his cabin mates have also informed him that there is a metal dragon loose in the woods, now that caught Leo's attention. A couple days later, while at dinner, Jason accidentally summoned a lightning bolt, solving the mystery of who his godly parent was. Obviously it had to be Zeus, god of lighting and leader of the rest. Later that night, Piper was also claimed,  as a daughter of the goddess of love, Aphrodite. Meanwhile, Leo is feeling left out, and he begins to feel like hi secret is proving too hard to keep.

       Leo goes out to explore the woods one night and he discovers bunker nine, a secret bunker made by his semi-siblings, long ago. Also, Leo manages to catch the metal dragon, he tames it and then he named it Festus, Greek word for happy The rest of the people from the camp are very surprised at Leo's accomplishment. The three demigods are given their first quest, to save queen Hera from the evil earth goddess Gaea. They must travel to the Wolf House and save the Queen of the gods, before it's too late.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

The Lost Hero blog post #6

        I decided to revisit an old favorite of mine, Rick Riordan's The Lost Hero. At this point in the book, I have met four main characters; Coach Hedge Jason Grace, Leo Valdez and Piper McLean. The first chapter starts off with it saying how Jason wakes up on a bus and that he couldn't remember anything in his life, his name, his age or even where he comes from. Piper and Leo explain to him how Piper is his girlfriend and that Leo was his best friend. Of course Jason denies remembering any of this. The reason that they were on a bus is because they were on a field trip to the Grand Canyon.

        When they get to the Grand Canyon, they discover the true identity of the local bully, Drew. They discover that Drew is a rogue and evil wind spirit that is out to destroy Jason, Piper and Leo, who turn out to be Half-Bloods(half human and half god). Oh, and remember Coach Hedge? Well guess what? He isn't human at all, it turns out that he is a satyr(half man, half goat) that was assigned to the three demigods long ago, to protect them. Jason and the wind spirit have an epic fight where Jason discovers, in his pocket, a magical golden coin, that when flipped, transforms into either a lance or a sword, depending on the side that the coin lands on. After the wind spirit was defeated, the demigods discover that their coach/protector was captured during the battle.

         While they are recovering from their shock, a flying chariot comes out of no where and lands right in front of them(not helping their recovery) and a young woman named Annabeth steps out and claims that she is searching for her missing boyfriend. She also explains how the oracle of her home had told her to go there and look for the person with a shoe missing, and low and behold, when Jason looks down, he realizes that on of his shoes has been blasted off.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Mysterious Benedict Society blog post # 5 (final)

           I have finished the book, after the boys endure the Whisperer, they discover that it was nothing like the other henchmen had described, it was wave after wave of pleasure, and it wasn't long until they boys were hooked onto the sensation. They began to crave their evening session with Mr. Curtain and the Whisperer. It wasn't long until the girls, Kate and Constance, noticed that the boys were acting strange. They didn't know what to do since the boys were the smart ones that always knew what to do, but eventually they came up with a plan.

           The girls decided to talk with the boys that night, they set up a meeting in the boys room, but when the girls got there, they discovered an empty room, the boys had decided to go to their evening session instead of meeting with them. The girls contacted Mr. Benedict, The Pencil Woman and Rhonda. Mr. Benedict explained to them how the addiction was going to wear off in a couple of days and it was going to become the horrors of their lives instead of the pleasures. As Mr. Benedict had predicted, the pleasures turned into horrors and the boys, soon after, snapped out of their addiction.
          Thanks to their daily trips, the boys now knew how to destroy the Whisperer. They were going to use an electromagnetic pulse to short out the Whisperer and to make sure that Mr. Curtain could never use it again. When the day of the plan came, they children went to set up the EMP, and as they turned the corner, they saw Mr. Curtain, with a dozen henchmen, waiting for them...

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Mysterious Benedict Society blog post #4

              I am now nearing the end of the book on my last blog post I had left off with the fact that Sticky had just been sent off to the waiting room, and as I had guessed, he did not come back out the same way, he became suspicious of Reynie and very secretive. He stopped helping out Constance and Kate during the tests and quizzes, which began to hurt the girls' grades, since they knew absolutely nothing about any of the questions on any of the tests or quizzes. Usually, at the end of the day when the guards yell lights out, Reynie and Sticky have a secret meeting and talk about what they were going to do about the whole Mr. Curtain problem, but after the waiting room, Sticky went straight to bed without saying a word to Reynie, which started to do more harm to Reynie than to Sticky.
      During this part of the book, I was also introduced, along with the rest of the children, to the whisperer, a fiendish machine that uses your uttermost desires against you, and with Reynie and Sticky doing so well in the classes, Mr. Curtain finally made them part of his little squad of henchmen. One of the things that the henchmen must do, is to go through the process of the whisperer. Reynie and Sticky were terrified of the machine because of all of the talk that goes around about the Whisperer. They heard that it strips you of all emotion and leaves you with nothing but pure fear, and if they were trying to scare Reynie and Sticky, it sure worked!
            Yet even after the warnings from all of the other henchmen about the horrors of the whisperer, the boys steel their nerves and get ready to enter the Whisperer. When they get to Mr. Curtain, he greets them with open arms and tells them that this will be the experience of a life time, of course the boys know that some of what he just said probably is not all that true.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Mysterious Benedict Society blog post #3

         This part of the book has turned out to be a twist in the story, it turns out to be that Mr. Curtain is truly Mr. Benedict's twin brother. This piece of information shook up the children and led them to believe that Mr. Benedict set up the children and brought them to this school as new recruits for Mr. Curtain. The only one to say that it is not true is Reynie, he knew from the beginning that Mr. Benedict could be trusted and that he was actually the only one that they could trust. Yet even though Reynie knows that Mr. Benedict speaks only the truth and that he will never let them down, the rest of the team doesn't buy it and begins to doubt their decision of ever joining the team and begin to wonder if Mr. Benedict is even trust worthy.

           The new theory brings great resentment upon the team and things begin to get very tense between the children, and when you are in a bad school filled with spies, bad people and evil master minds that could have you killed with a snap of his fingers, it's not good to be fighting amongst your teammates with whom you are supposed to save the world with in a couple of days. Mr. Benedict tries to bring back the original spirits of all of the children, but it is no use, all of the children(except Reynie) are too far gone.
           Worse yet, Sticky got caught helping Constance during a test and when you get caught cheating on a test in this school, you don't get a zero on the test and you're all good, you have to go to the waiting room, the worst, most horrible room in all of the school where it is said that students go to be well educated and punished for what they did in class. Another thing that puts the real fear on Sticky is that everyone says that whosoever goes into the waiting room because the cheated, never come out of there the same way that they went in.