Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Krista Ramsey post

The Krista Ramsey article that I chose to read was the one titled, "Carolyn Greco Feels Like a Ghost". The article is about a woman who feels like she has no purpose in the world, she's been married twice and divorced twice. She became a mother at twenty one, studied hard, plowed right through college and then when back to school a couple years later for a master's degree. Nowadays she's used to being ignored and when she put out a notice for a room for rent, with her phone number in tearable strips at the bottom of the page, there wasn't a single taker. She has trouble finding the motivation to get out of bed in the mornings and doesn't feel like there is a reason to.

Carolyn Greco is a well-educated woman who worked as a flight attendant, taught college courses and was an executive assistant. She now lives in Grace Place Catholic Worker House, a women's shelter in College Hill.I think that Krista Ramsey wrote this article to show people like Carolyn Greco that they are not alone with the whole being ignored thing. There are a lot of people in the world that can relate to this story, being ignored and treated as if you don't exist your entire life, I can see why it would be hard to get out of bed in the mornings if I were being ignored like that. Thankfully I have plenty of friends and family members that know that I exist, that I don't have to feel that way.

I hope that this article inspires other people to do something the next time they see someone sitting alone at lunch or standing alone at a social gathering, because I can only imagine how it must feel to be treated as if you were a ghost. I also hope that Carolyn Greco can someday find some happiness in her life so that she doesn't have to keep searching for reasons to get out of bed each morning.

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