Friday, December 12, 2014

Einstein blog post #13

Albert Einstein is nearing the end of his life and at this point he has proved his theory of relativity, E=mc(2) and that you don't need to have socks on every morning to be incredibly smart. The reason that I bring up the socks is that Einstein almost always forgot to put on his socks in the morning. Many of the local kids would ask him why he didn't have socks on and he would respond by looking down at his bare feet and saying that he hadn't even noticed that he didn't have any socks on. The true reason is that he had so much stuff going on in his head that there was no room for socks or regular every day things.

Unfortunately, not all of Einstein's big discoveries went down in history as good things for example, the atom bomb originated from one of Einstein's ideas, but he never meant for them to be used as a weapon of destruction. Einstein was appalled when he learned that one of his works was being used to kill hundreds of thousands of people. Einstein, nearing the end of his scientific carrier and life, began to observe the stars as a way to pass time with friends, he liked looking at the constellations and at some times making a few of his own.

Albert Einstein, the greatest physicist of all time, died on April 18, 1955. He had internal bleeding and in the week he was preparing a big speech, he died peacefully in his sleep. His brain was salvaged and was studied, but the rest of his remains were cremated and his ashes were scattered. During the study of his brain, scientists found that he used up to 15% more of his brain than an average human. His IQ was estimated to be between 160 and 190, but since it was never determined, it stayed at 160. Although he is dead, the legacy of Albert Einstein will continue.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Einstein blog post #12

I have come all the way to where Albert Einstein is now an adult and he is beginning to develop his theory of relativity. it is quite fascinating how a boy that was said to have some sort of early developmental issue, could turn out to be one of the most respected and important scientists known to man kind. Einstein ahs also created many quotes by now including, " I don't know what WW3 will be fought with, but I know that WW4 will be fought with sticks and stones." I think that this quote is very accurate because at the rate that we are creating deadlier and deadlier weapons, by the fourth world war, we'll all probably be dead.

Albert finally found a woman that he likes, her same was Elsa, they got married, but eventually got a divorce, and when Albert Einstein got a divorce, he promised her that he would give her all of his nobel prize money if he won it. This of course did nothing to help and change Elsa's mind of leaving him, but I guess it made Albert sleep better at night. She, of course never got back together with Albert but she did send him gratitude after what Albert Einstein did next.

In 1922, Einstein won the Nobel prize in physics and just as he had promised, he gave all of the money that he won to his wife Elsa, she was surprised when she received the money because she thought that Einstein was going to bail on his promise and just keep all the money for himself. This gesture of kindness made Elsa Einstein begin to regret his decision of ever leaving behind the genius that is Albert Einstein.

Einstein blog post #11

After Albert's sister was born Albert's literary skills and scholarly skills in general decreased drastically, he became quiet once again and his parents became very angry since they had spent much of their money trying to educate Albert. They sent him to a military school which was the worst punishment you could have given him. He absolutely detested the thought of war or anything to do with war, he wanted peace. He protested against the marching and all of the things that he had to do, but refusing to do something when commanded to do so, meant punishment. So unfortunately, Albert was forced to march and look like a good little soldier or get severely punished.

 After a year of military school, Albert begged his parents to get him out of military school and it was his mother that sided with Albert this time. They got Albert out of the military school and back into his studies, happy to be back in the area that he liked, Albert's grades shot through the roof. He was finally allowed to go to a public school and he amazed his fellow students along with his teachers. His analytical skills were the best that most of the teachers had ever seen.

Albert's parents started inviting a college student for dinner most nights of the week. Albert took full advantage of this and he began to ask the college student all of the questions he had, which was quite a lot of questions. By the time that the college student had to go away, there was nothing the he knew that Albert didn't. At this point of his life he started helping his father at his store and he would play around with the little gizmos that he would find around his father's shop. He would ask his father questions that his father had no idea how to answer, Albert and his father began building a strong relationship.