Friday, November 21, 2014

Einstein Blog post #10

For my third and final book I decided to read a bibliography on Albert Einstein. So far, I have read that he was born in Germany and as a child, he was always very quiet and he never talked. His parents were very worried because they thought that he had developmental issues, which back then was a big deal. The doctors kept telling Albert's parents that he probably had some type of mental illness like down syndrome or another type of mental disease, it was Albert's father that knew it wasn't a mental disease. He enrolled Albert in some private classes since he wasn't allowed to go to school if he couldn't talk, what happened during the classes was breathtaking.

Albert showed immense progress in all of the school subjects that the private tutor showed him, even though he hadn't seen those things in his life. Even though he was an extraordinary student and extremely gifted in everything, he had a tendency to be very impatient and was known for his temper, at the age of six, he threw a vase at his music teacher, she never came back. Albert's parents tried to show him manners and the proper way to do things, but common sense wasn't in the boy's vast knowledge, which became a problem later on in life and was then corrected when he met his wife.

Then came Albert's sister, at first, Albert though that it was just another toy for him to play with and was disappointed when he looked into the cradle and saw no wheels, just two baby blue eyes staring back at him. Yet, Albert grew to love his little sister, he played with her and tried to show her some of the things that he was learning, which at the time was four grade levels above him. Albert didn't care that his sister wasn't as smart as him, he loved her either way.

Friday, November 7, 2014

The Lost Hero blog post #9 (final)

I finished the book, and I gotta say, the ending was spectacular. After the demigods went to see Aeolus, they met up with Jason's sister who had apparently not seen Jason in many years. Jason never knew that he had a sister but was very exited and happy when he heard that he had a sister. With the help of the group that Jason's sister was in, they were able to find the location of the Wolf House and they went on their way.

When they got in the proximity of the Wolf House, the evil snow goddess, Kione, froze their helicopter and they, once again, had to crash land. When they got off of the helicopter, they were confronted by the earth ogres created by Gaea herself. Along with many other monsters including more evil wind spirits and, you might have guessed it, wolves. They defeated all the monsters and Leo defeated Kione, while exposing his secret, he had the power to control fire.

They manage to free Hera from the bonds of Gaea, but not before Gaea had the power she needed to resurrect her dead giant son, Porphyrion. Jason discovered his true identity, as a warrior of the Roman Legion. This came as a huge shock to the rest of them because Romans and Greeks had been enemies for the last three decades. Hera explains to them how this is all part of her master plan to reunite the Romans and  the Greeks, because there was a greater evil coming, and only together would they have the power to defeat it.

The Lost Hero blog post #8

During this part of the book, the three demigods, Jason, Piper and Leo have encountered many monsters and have defeated them, including; the evil sorceress Medea, who trapped them in her mall, and almost made Jason and Leo kill each other under Medea's evil spell. They were also attacked by a mother Cyclops and her two sons, that apparently really love salsa. After defeating the Cyclopes, they saw that the monsters that they defeated regenerated much faster than they had been regenerating a couple of days ago. This confirmed their worst fear, the monsters were somehow not staying dead in the underworld and were coming back to the real world in a shorter period of time.

 They met the evil king Midas who turns anything he touches into gold, leaving with a finally awake Coach Hedge, who they had rescued in Medea's mall, and a goldified Piper who they took to the river to ungoldify because even though the curse of King Midas is said to be permanent, if you pour water on it, or just let it rain on what was goldified, it will go back to being a normal everyday object or whatever it had been.

 When I left off, the demigods were going to meet Aeolus, the master of the winds, who knew everything, including the location of the Wolf House. Where they would meet the evil snow goddess Khione and where they would find Hera, the queen of the gods. Unfortunately, Aeolus was part of the group of gods that turned on the rest and sided with Gaea so their whole plan of getting his help went south very quickly.